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Utility Assistance
Does your water system lack accurate and up-to-date information in regards to your system assets such as hydrants, valves, man holes, lift stations, pump stations, meters and backflow prevention devices? All of these infrastructure components together form the utility asset base of information or knowledge base.
Most utilities have all of these aforementioned assets in place, but one of the central questions to all of this is what are you doing with the information? Is your information just that, information that’s basically static and offers you no real insight into your system? Is it just a bunch of columns of numbers in a spreadsheet?
While you may have this baseline of information, are you utilizing it to your operational advantage? Do you know where in your system these assets are physically located?
The use of more advanced technologies such as GIS, Geographic Information Systems has the ability to take lots of information and convert them to very usable and more readily understood graphic representations of the what and where systems assets are in use and can assist in the planning aspects of upcoming projects.
With proper planning and well executed steps bringing information to life and making it exceptionally usable can be one of the utilities greatest tools.
Carolina Backflow Specialties, Inc. along with our technology partners can help you to move into a new direction with your data, making sense of it all.
Let us help you move forward to the next level of integration of your data with GIS, we are here to help.